Jakub Krymarys

Frontend developer - JS/TS, React.js

business websites, ecommerce

Lodz, Poland 🇵🇱
remote 🌐

Freelance projects

Ecohouse v2

[WIP] The idea behind this project is to recreate my thesis but with slightly different tech stack, conclusions from the first version and with much more experience that I've gained since I graduated.
Stack: Typescript, Node.js, AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB

Blue Ivy Boutique

Business website and online shop
Stack: Wordpress, Woocommerce
Links: View

Personal website

Stack: TypeScript, Next.js, Firebase, Tailwind CSS


Eco-friendly home automation system implemented by means of Machine Learning Algorithms
Stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Google Cloud, Tensorflow.js

Web application supporting statutory meetings of student’s organisation

Stack: Ionic, React, Firebase, PWA

Commercial projects

Product data management system (web GUI)

Stack: JavaScript, Handlebars.js

Ordering process management web application

Stack: JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Material UI

React apps for data visualization

Stack: TypeScript, React.js, Redux, Redux-Saga, Ant design, Highcharts, AG grid

Cross Platform (iOS/Android) application for scheduling workshops

Stack: C#, Xamarin